Get Passive Income With Puco Sections & Blocks
Join our affiliate program, and get up to 30% daily, monthly passive income from any paid client transaction. Not the first month, not 12 months, get 30% lifetime
Why promote Puco Sections & Blocks?
Any Shopify store needs sections & blocks to complete their store. Millions of Shopify stores are waiting for this simple and useful solution. Join Puco in saving Shopify merchants time and making their work easier today.
Top section app
Puco Sections & Blocks is among top 2 theme section app. Certified by Shopify to meet Built for Shopify standards.
High commission
Get up to 30% on any transaction for a lifetime. We don't have limit time (12 - 24 months) and lifetime companion with you
High demand
68% of stores will install at least a section after installing Puco, a third of which will have their first transaction within 30 days
Start earning in 3 steps
Apply online with 20s
Simply fill out our program application form and get your referral link.
Share our available content/banners to your channels: website, webinars, social media, video, courses, etc., using your affiliate's unique link.
Get paid
Get 30% daily, monthly passive income from any paid client transaction for lifetime.